Insurance customer

Business Objective: Reduced operational effectiveness. The design, which combines COTS and SaaS products with on-premises legacy systems, different Cloud environments, and large IT investments, results in a great deal of complexity. There was no centric orchestration layer that could link all systems together and display a 360-degree perspective of them on a single screen. extremely low agility

How we helped: created a number of applications that enabled the organization innovate other areas so they could support the COVID era while also increasing operational efficiency and raising sales enablement to a higher degree. To make it easier for their clients and representatives to find COVID-testing locations and information, silos of excels were replaced with a whole suite of office solutions.

Profitability: Add four times Agility Enhancer
improved productivity and end-user experience
Operational managers can make choices using the collaborative relational indicators with the help of a centralized tracker view.